Discover the Unique Beauty “Women” of a Cave Crafted by Humans Over 3000 Years Ago

The Womb Cave is believed to be over 3000 years old.

Located in the Tangardak kaya rocky mountain area near the village of Nenkovo in Southern Bulgaria, the Womb Cave is a preservation site of the Thracian people.


Discovered in April 2001 by the livestock specialist Gumarov, the cave’s exploration began a few years later when he announced his findings and Professor of Archaeology Nikolay Ovcharov initiated the research. According to studies, the cave dates back to the 9th-10th centuries BCE, from the Thracian era.


Impressively shaped like a rock crevice with a wide entrance narrowing inside, scientists have proven that the limestone cavity was initially only 16 meters deep, but human intervention extended it, hence earning it the name Womb Cave.


The Womb Cave is believed to have originated from the Bronze Age. While there are similar caves around the Thracian reserve near the village of Tatul in Bulgaria, they are much smaller and lack the perfect form of the Womb Cave.


The entrance stands 3 meters high, 2.5 meters wide, and approximately 22 meters deep. A crack can be observed at the top of the cave where, every day at noon, for a few minutes, sunlight penetrates inside.


However, only at certain times of the year, when the sun is positioned low in the north, does the sunlight reach far enough to touch the bottom. Some estimates suggest this occurs in January and February, while others claim it happens only on a single day of the year – Christmas.


The unique appearance of the cave has attracted curiosity from tourists, making it a favorite destination for many. The Womb Cave is also used for meditation and various ceremonies.


To reach the cave, visitors must trek about 2 kilometers uphill on a rocky path, taking at least an hour to arrive. The picturesque trail back from the cave is another highlight of the Womb Cave exploration journey.

Utroba Cave, in the Rhodope mountains, Bulgaria. Carved by hand more than 3000 years ago.

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