Explore the hypothesis that aliens could be humans from the future

Much has been made in the press about Republican Sen. Mike Gallagher’s landmark speech at the Congressional UFO hearings last week, where he managed to anger Pentagon officials with his UAP questions.

Speaking of the origin of UFOs, Gallagher offered an interesting alternative to the alien UFO theory.

UFOs spotted by the military in restricted airspace, both from land and from the air and sea, were alluded to by Gallagher during an interview with The Pat McAfee Show. According to him, these objects are either the result of the technology of an enemy nation, or objects of extraterrestrial origin.

There is also a third option, which he called “extremely interesting”, although he did not have enough data.

UFOs and people from the future

According to Mr. Gallagher, the third option is that UFOs are not aliens, but objects from other dimensions, interdimensional vessels, or even that UFOs are nothing but people from the future who have traveled to the past.

The MP went on to expand on his view on UFOs by saying that if we go back 200 years we will come to a time when we will have no cars, no internet, no good guns; instead, we will have technologies that we now consider primitive.


Mr. Gallagher argued that if we fast-forward from our current point in history, 200 or 400 years into the future, whoever remains at that point will certainly tell us, “You can’t bend space- time ? We learned that 50 or 100 years ago. »

Gallagher said that although he is not a technologist, he knows that we currently already have technology that can technically teleport something called neutrinos.

We also have the technology to prove that subatomic particles can travel faster than the speed of light. Einstein himself told us that time travel is theoretically possible.

Thus, the US Congressman considers the idea that people from the future are UFOs that we observe as a third hypothesis.

It’s possible that the people of the future, which is us, have figured out how to bend spacetime, and what we see is nothing but our technology that has gone back in time. Gallagher called this hypothesis the Terminator hypothesis.

Interestingly, Gallagher is not alone in considering this hypothesis to be one of the most probable. However, he clarifies that he does not rule out that one of the others – such as the extraterrestrial hypothesis – is also correct.

If we want to seriously study this question, we must be open to all possibilities and follow the evidence where it leads, he concluded in an interview.

UFOs have never been so popular


It is amazing how quickly UFOs have become an accepted topic of discussion. Ten years ago, UFOs were nothing more than a conspiracy theory. Even though governments were researching the phenomenon at the time, UFOs were not an open topic of discussion in society with as much freedom and acceptance.

Today, the situation has changed.

Not only did people stop being afraid to talk about UFOs, but scientists started to take an interest in this phenomenon.

For example, astronomers such as Professor Avi Loeb have taken the lead in the scientific race to study UFOs and their origins.

It was Loeb who suggested a few years ago that Oumuamua, the first discovered interstellar object that passed through our solar system, had an artificial, extraterrestrial nature.

UFOs have never been so popular. It’s only a matter of time before this subject completely blows up and evidence of UFOs hidden from the public comes to light, which could even change our understanding of UFOs.


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