After a strange cloud was seen in Bursa, Turkey, bystanders could not stop conspiring about just what it was they had seen.
A cloud resembling a UFO was spotted floating over the Turkish city of Bursa, sending bystanders into a frenzy over just what it was they were looking at.

Bursa residents were shocked to see an odd-shaped structure floating overhead on Thursday, January 19th, TRT World initially reported. The Turkish broadcast company posted several photos of the clouds on Twitter and Instagram, prompting theories from spectators throughout the region.

The cloud was identified as a Lenticular cloud. This was a double-ringed, oval-shaped formation, and lasted for about an hour in the sky before dissipating, Anadolu Agency reported.
Much to the disappointment of UFO enthusiasts, this was a specific batch of condensation known as a lenticular cloud, according to TRT World.

According to the US National Weather Service, it formed because of rough wind fluctuations and indicate turbulence moving downward in the sky.
The service also reported that lenticular clouds “look a lot like the traditional shape of flying saucers in science fiction, real lenticular clouds are believed to be one of the most common explanations for UFO sightings across the world.”