The Top 8 National Parks in the United States


Are you going to be in the US in May? Are you looking for a memorable Memorial Day getaway? If so, why not consider beating the super-sized summer crowds and consider visiting one of the U.S. National Parks? Here to assist you with your decision-making, are the 15 best U.S. National Parks to visit in May.

The 15 Best U.S. National Parks to Visit in May 

1. Yosemite National Park, California


Both May and September are the best months to visit this park, except if you have kids, they’re already back in school in September. Temperatures are usually warm, with highs in the 70s and 80s depending on the time of the month. While it can be busy, it’s nothing like the crowds you encounter in the summer.

This is arguably the best time to see Yosemite’s numerous waterfalls because the rivers that feed them are roaring. You simply must see Yosemite Falls and Bridalveil Falls too. You can already see wildflowers at the lower elevations as well.

Visit the Giant Sequoias via Mariposa Grove Road. Get there early though as these trees are very popular. If you enjoy hiking, don’t visit too early in May though as the winter snow may still have some roads or trails closed. Check on conditions before you go.

2Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

This park is located at a comparatively higher elevation. Thus, the best season to see this place starts in May. Temperatures are not higher than 63 degrees Fahrenheit and since the facilities here are just starting to open, it’s not yet too busy.

Famous for its rugged, rust rock columns, a.k.a. Hoodoos, this park has a unique landscape. Visit the various viewpoints along the rim and don’t miss Bryce Point, Inspiration Point, Sunrise Point, and Sunset Point. Check them out at different times of the day to notice how the light influences their appearance.

It is a comparatively small national park so you can easily combine a visit here with a visit to popular Zion National Park. Be sure to go hiking in Bryce Canyon. Not only is it a bit warmer than the rim but there are also fewer visitors.

3Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

in May

Most people visit this park in the summer or the early fall. In May, the weather is mild and the temperature never goes higher than 71 degrees Fahrenheit. One disadvantage to visiting in May is that the ranger-led tours to the well-known cliff dwellings here are only available during the park’s peak season.

Nevertheless, some of the tours do run in May and the tour of the famous Cliff Palace is available at the end of the month. Additionally, there are fewer people there in May than in the summer. Drive the scenic road, enjoy the overlooks, and check out the Wetherill Mesa area.

Wetherill Mesa Road opens at the start of the month so you can bike or hike the popular five-mile Long House Loop. Tour Balcony House too. If you visit later in the month, you can take the ranger-led tour of Long House as well.

4Joshua Tree National Park, California

in May

In May the average high temperature is 86 degrees Fahrenheit. While veteran visitors can confirm it can sometimes be a bit hotter, it is actually a dry heat so it doesn’t feel as bad. Weather-wise, the shoulder season is best for outdoor activities.

Once June hits, the temperatures climb a bit too high to really enjoy this place. Hence, the beginning of May is the best time to visit. Spring is also not a bad time to visit but the most popular areas are busy and campsites in and even near the park are often booked to the limit.

Avoid weekends if at all possible, get there early, and feel free to wander off the beaten path. Enjoy biking, hiking, horseback riding, rock climbing, and even stargazing. Don’t miss Cholla Cactus Garden either. It’s a short, enjoyable walk full of cacti and other plants.5 Arches National Park, UtahMay

The weather here in May is usually perfect for a visit. It’s generally not too hot yet as the temperature never breaks 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Thus, you can enjoy the striking scenery and everything this place has to offer without the summer heat.

Mind you, May can still be one of the busiest times of the year even without the summer tourists. Some say the visitor numbers have actually been higher in May but let’s remember that school is still in session so just avoid weekends. Also, keep in mind that arriving early is also a good idea since the main road here, Arches Scenic Drive can get congested and like any other place, the parking lots closest to the most popular attractions and hiking trailheads will fill up first. Mind you, some enjoyable hiking trails here are rated easy and off-road tours are also available

6Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas

in May

This national park offers exercise and relaxation. You can go hiking and then head for the historic bathhouses and soak in the hot spring water. May is a great time to visit too because it doesn’t get hotter than 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Once you’ve had your fill of hiking you can also dine and even shop in town where the park is located. This is possibly one of the more luxurious national park visits, all things considered. Even if it gets a tad humid, there’s plenty to do here both outside and inside.

The bathhouses of Hot Springs have been a must-visit place since the 1800s. In fact, the Buckstaff Baths have been open for more than a century! Where else can you relax and soak up the history, right?

7Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

Regular readers know that while your rovin’ writer hiked the world-famous Grand Canyon rim to rim in the summer, there is no doubt it would have been easier in the month of May. In fact, the comparatively mild spring weather of May is a great time to visit this park (and other state attractions) as it is generally not hotter than 71 degrees Fahrenheit. At night it might get cold in the canyon so do your hiking during the day.

If you do any of the lengthier hikes, be aware that during the day it’s warmer in the canyon than at the rim, so carry enough water and dress appropriately. If you plan on checking out the North Rim, visit there in the last half of May in case of a road closure. Then again, the most iconic viewpoints are found at the South Rim.

8Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado

The best time to see North America’s tallest sand dunes is in May. If you visit earlier, there could be an afternoon storm, the winds are higher and it might still snow. In the summer, the temperature of the sand can soar to a sizzling 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

In May this park doesn’t get hotter than 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Mind you, this place is actually a great location for stargazing and hiking. It’s also home to a surprisingly diverse landscape.

So after you go sand-sledding or sandboarding, explore the forests, grasslands, wetlands, and alpine lakes. (Note that if you’re only planning on visiting the alpine lakes, summer, though more crowded is better weather-wise.) Visit in late May and you can enjoy Medano Creek’s “surge flow” and float down the waves on flat inflatables. Be aware though that the end of May and the start of June are the most popular times to do this so at least avoid the weekend!

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