Argentina Finds an Ancient Armadillo the Size of a Car
In recent years, Argentina has become a treasure trove for paleontologists, with a wealth of fossils discovered in the country’s vast expanses. One of the latest discoveries made headlines worldwide, as a farmer stumbled upon the shells of four ancient …
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Fossilized egg contains a fully intact dinosaur embryo that was discovered.
An extremely rare, completely articulated dinosaur embryo was discovered inside a fossilized egg that had been accumulating dust in a museum storage space in China for more than ten years. The fetal specimen, estimated to be between 66 and 72 million …
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This 2,000+ year old 20-sided crystal dice comes from antiquity.
Archaeology is a fascinating subject that allows us to discover and learn about the history of our ancestors. Every once in a while, an archaeological discovery is made that is truly remarkable, and one such discovery is the 20-sided crystal dice that …
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The Mysterious Magdeburg Unicorn: A Science and Mythology Mystery
The Magdeburg Unicorn, a fascinating and enigmatic creature, has captured the imagination of people for centuries. A woolly rhinoceros and a narwhal have been proposed as potential sources of inspiration for the creature, but its true identity remains …
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Coconut crabs are drawn to food and have amazing abilities.
Coconut crabs are fascinating creatures that are known for their impressive size, strength, and unique abilities. They are the largest land crabs in the world and can weigh over 4 kilograms (8.8 pounds) and span nearly a meter (3 feet) across. They are …
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Once more, Zombie Fungus rides!
A female Carolina leafroller cricket, Camptonotus carolinensis , emerged from its lair and exploring leaves at night. I made this image last year in a southern Ohio forest. While these exceptionally long-antennae’d crickets are not rare, they are furtive …
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Blackwater Photographer Captures Rare Transparent-Headed Octopus in “Encountering the Unseen”
The ocean is a vast, mysterious place that has always fascinated scientists, photographers, and divers alike. With over 70% of the planet’s surface covered in water, there is still so much to discover and explore. Blackwater photography is a unique way …
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The Netherlands’s Sunken Pedestrian Bridge Parts the Waters Like Moses
No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you; the waters have indeed parted! This incredible “sunken” bridge in the Netherlands provides visitors with a one-of-a-kind way to access a beautiful 17th-century Dutch fort. A series of fortresses and moats were …
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Fantastic ‘Virgin’ Pool Never Seen by Humans Discovered in New Mexico Cave
In New Mexico’s Carlsbad Caverns National Park, 700 feet below the surface, is a miraculous pool that has only recently been discovered. The world’s largest and most well-known cave, Lechuguilla Cave in New Mexico, is where the seemingly “virgin” cave …
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The little bird is bathed in a flower petal
“This was really a once-in-a-lifetime moment.” Rahul Singh has been photographing the wildlife near his house in Jalpaiguri, India, for the past six years. He’s captured intimate moments with elephants, rhinos, deer, jackals, and monkeys, but it’s the …
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