Time Out lists the top 10 trendiest communities in the globe.
London CNN — This year we’ve all been spending more time than expected in our own neighborhoods. While lockdown and safety measures have hit our city centers hard, in many places local communities have been thriving. The staff of Time Out, which has …
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Experience the Italian city of Rome in a single day.
CNN — It’s taken more than 2,700 years to build the city of Rome as it is now, so is it possible to see it in less than 24 hours? Yes … but you’ll need a foot massage at the end of one crazy, jam-packed day. From its ancient monuments to Renaissance …
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How Dubai is being penalized for allowing visitors to enter.
CNN — Take a passing glance at Dubai , and you may think life is back to normal. In recent weeks, the bustling city has been a sparkling attraction for tourists, especially from Europe, trying to escape the brutal winter and strict coronavirus lockdowns. …
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