Meet the Panteleenko family, who have taken the phrase “living with a bear” to a whole new level. When Svetlana and Yuriy Panteleenko adopted Stepan the bear, he was just a three-month-old cub. Today, the mammal is 23 years old, weighs a whopping 300lb, and stands at a height of over seven feet. Despite his intimidating size, Stepan is so domesticated that he often cuddles up to the couple in the evenings and even watches TV on the sofa with them.
The bear is known for his helpful nature, and he’s been spotted watering plants in the garden. However, his diet is far from ordinary, as he eats a whopping 25kg of fish, vegetables, and eggs every day. Stepan’s sweet tooth means that he loves a can of condensed milk and is also a football fanatic, which helps him work off his large appetite.
Svetlana and Yuriy have known Stepan since he was a cub, and they say that his temperament is extremely gentle. Despite his size, he is not aggressive and has never bitten them. The couple enjoys picnics with Stepan and watching him use his many talents. However, feeding Stepan is no easy feat, and they have to make sure they always have enough food for him.
Surrogate child: Russian family Svetlana and Yuriy Panteleenko adopted the very large bear named Stepan aged three months
One of the family: Standing at more than seven foot, the large mammal has been domesticated by the couple and is now aged 23
Bear hug: The couple say that because they have known Stepan so long his temperament is extremely gentle and he enjoys giving hugs
Trust: The couple say the bear is so domesticated he even sits down with them in the evenings to watch television on the sofa
Who’s been eating my porridge? The couple said Stepan, who eats a lot of food, gets through more than a bowl of porridge a day
What’s for dessert? The big bear’s favourite dish is a can of condensed milk thanks to a sweet tooth, but he also eats fish and vegetables
Active: Stephan is a football fan and works off the gut-busting amount of food his parents serve him every day by having a kick about
Give us a hand! The bear has even been known to help out around the house – or at least the garden – by watering the plants
Hungry: Stepan stocks up on a hefty 25kg of fish, vegetables and eggs, meaning dinner time is never a breeze in the Panteleenko house
Budge up: The family say the bear can often be found cuddling up to them on the sofa while watching television of an evening
On your head: The couple said the bear, pictured playing football, is sociable, has never bittne them and likes nothing more than a hug
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