Expose the secret of ancient strange characters carved in the church

A global effort has begun — Secret files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing are now available to the public.We are about to uncover The truth behind these classified documents.Find out what the government doesn’t want you to know.Exposing the biggest secret on planet earth

There will not write your opinion, just quote what another wrote or said. Therefore, whatever you find, you can recheck or advertisements at the source of the information or create a picture of the truth.Revelation 17: 4 The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, adorned with gold, precious stones and pearls; in her hand a golden goblet full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.

There’s only one church in the world that uses the symbol of a woman with a glass. It is the Church of Rome. Here on this coin is heading “Citadel Vaticano” a woman with a glass in hand, named “FIDES”. It is used on all documents. The image will be enlarged when you mouse over it.

What is FIDES? Let’s look into one masonic source good sources. Albert G. Mackey is a 33 degree mason, in his book “A Manual of the Lodge, 1870 page 40-41″ reads as follows: “The right hand at all times was considered a symbol of fidelity and reliability, and our ancient brothers worshiped deity named FIDES FIDELITY or what is loyalty or honesty. It is sometimes depicted by submitting two right hands, or two human figures podávajúcimi hands … Numa was the first who built an altar to the deity FIDES under which the venerated goddess of oaths and honesty. “It means honesty, but FIDES is also a female deity. In Revelation 17, 5 this institution is named as “Mater harlots and abominations of the earth.”

The Vatican issued September 5, 2000 encyclical “Dominus Iesus” in which he writes: “Other churches are not our brothers, the Vatican insists. It must always be clear that the one holy catholic and apostolic universal church is not a sister, but mother of all the churches. “(He said that Cardinal Ratzinger, then head of the Inquisition office, which is already calling the Inquisition office, but the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, but it is one and the same institution, which in the end is housed in the same building.)

It maintains, therefore, that other churches are its subject. In Revelation 13, 1 and 2, where he writes about the same thickness But it says: “And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority.” Thus the institution has authority from the dragon, that is from another source. A few verses before it is explained that the dragon is Satan himself. What perhaps this church does not teach Christianity? Perhaps not preaching about Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world? Yes, it preaches but other mechanisms of mediation. Christianity proclaims salvation only through Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church through the saints and through the church.

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