An abandoned “fox” cat weighs two pounds of fur
Cats are frequently thought to be self-sufficient. Most cats spend their days outside alone, only returning home to eat and clean themselves, making them relatively low maintenance. However, some cats have the type of fur that demands grooming, and if …
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Europe’s isle that prohibited vehicles
A growing number of places around the world are looking to reduce reliance on cars. What lessons can be learned from a place that never allowed them in the first place? On my final morning in Hydra, I woke up early and ambled down to the waterside to …
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The Versailles most people don’t see
Louis XIV’s iconic “bachelor pad” is one of the most-visited palaces in the world. But to understand his vision for the place, leave the crowds, head outside and hop on a bike. The palace looked like a mirage of itself. Water from the canal shimmered …
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The best countries to raise children
We answer every emigrating family’s top question: where are the best places to raise children – or, for that matter, to be a child? For people looking to relocate, rankings of the world’s most liveable countries can be helpful. But with kids in tow, there …
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The top eight free or inexpensive views in London
From the free city rooftop The Garden at 120 to the soaring IFS Cloud Cable Car, here are eight of the best viewpoints that most tourists wouldn’t know to visit. Endlessly reproduced on postcards, t-shirts and mugs, the London skyline is an attraction …
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Archaeologist Claims Boulder Is World’s Oldest Weapon of Man-made Destruction
An archaeologist in Bosnia claims to have found evidence of an advanced lost civilization in Europe that used impressive technology over 1,500 years ago. Controversial archaeologist Semir Osmanagic, also known as the “Bosnian Indiana Jones,” made the …
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According to rumors, making love machines were employed to “calm down” German prisoners.
Yοu’νe рrοbаbly heаrd οf New Yοrk Cіty’ѕ fаmοuѕ Muѕeum οf Ѕᴇх, but dіd yοu knοw thаt Prаgue іѕ hοme tο the Ѕᴇх Mасhіneѕ Muѕeum? It’ѕ exасtly whаt іt ѕοundѕ lіke fοur flοοrѕ (wіth wаllѕ раіnted а ѕᴇхy lірѕtісk red) dedісаted tο ѕhοwсаѕіng the eνοlutіοn …
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Exploring Ancient Beauty Standards: the liberal, ridiculous of the body
The Neolithic Venus figurines, including the “Red hair goddess” from the Starčevo culture, are known for their exaggerated physical features, including large breasts and buttocks. These figurines were created between 8,000 and 30,000 years ago and are …
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Governors Island: The island that gave birth to New York City
From Dutch outpost to urban playground, Governors Island has had many lives. Now, it’s pioneering a zero-waste concept that could show other cities how to develop more sustainably. There’s a moment setting out on the ferry from Manhattan’s South Street …
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You will be scared when you visit these 8 towns in Mexico
Contents 1 2 Tequіlа, Jаlіѕсo 3 Xіlіtlа, ѕаn Luіѕ рotoѕі 4 Vаllаdolіd, Yuсаtаn 5 Bасаlаr, Quіntаnа Roo 6 Sаn сrіѕtóbаl de Lаѕ саѕаѕ, сhіараѕ 7 Izаmаl, Yuсаtаn 8 Orіzаbа, Verасruz 9 Pаlenque, сhіараѕ The рuebloѕ Mаgісoѕ (Mаgісаl Townѕ) рrogrаm, lаunсhed …
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