A golden tongue was implanted within the mouth of an ancient corpse discovered in Alexandria.
Archaeologists have found a 2,000-year-old mummy with a gold tongue at an ancient Egyptian site called Taposiris Magna. Embalmers perhaps placed the golden tongue on the mummy to ensure that the deceased would be able to speak in the afterlife, the Egyptian …
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Disturbed by the pictures of the enigmatic “Goatman creature”
The internet has exploded over the past week following claims to have discovered the Goatman – a bizarre creature believed to be a faulty experimental product. The mystery of the newly discovered half-human, half-goat creature Rumors …
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Exquisite salt objects inside an ancient Polish salt mine
Inside an ancient Polish salt mine that has underground lakes, fully carved chapels, and chandeliers made of salt. Ancient Archaeology June 11, 2023 This Polish mine has fascinated millions of visitors, from the underground pools to an impressive carved …
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Recently discovered in Egypt is a 4,000-year-old tomb with two mummies in incredible condition.
This discovery dates back to the Ancient Egyptian heyday that produced rulers like Tutankhamen and Ramses II. An Ancient Egyptian tomb has just been uncovered by archaeologists in the southern city of Luxor — with several shockingly well-preserved mummies …
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The naturally mummified “Polar Princess” had beautifully preserved eyelashes and hair.
At a medieval necropolis in the Russian High Arctic, researchers have excavated the naturally mummified remains of a woman who lived some 800 years ago. Dozens of burials have already been discovered at the site, known as Zeleny Yar, but this is the first …
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In a California gold mine, ancient artifacts said to be 40 million years old were discovered.
In the middle of the nineteenth centυry, miners discovered hυndreds of artifacts made from stone and hυman remains in their tυnnels at Table Moυntain and in other areas of the gold mining area. Experts believe that these bones and artifacts were foυnd …
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In the ancient Black Pharaohs’ citadel, which boasts pyramids that match Egypt’s, is the “lost city in the sands”
This is the lost city of Meroë iп Sυdaп, with Ƅeaυtifυlly мaiпtaiпed pyraмids as iмpressiʋe as their мore faмoυs coυпterparts iп Egypt. Howeʋer, υпlike the faмed pyraмids of Giza, the Sυdaпese site is largely deserted. The pyraмids Ƅear decoratiʋe eleмeпts …
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Discover the agricultural tools of the ancient Egyptian economy
Agriculture was the foundation of the ancient Egyptian economy and vital to the lives of the people of the land. Agricultural practices began in the Delta Region of northern Egypt and the fertile basin known as the Faiyum in the Predynastic Period in …
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Roman cavalry swords and toys unearthed along Hadrian’s wall
Swords, arrowheads and ballista bolts amongst a cache of artifacts discovered during cavalry barrack excavations at Roman Vindolanda. Archaeologists at the Roman fort of Vindolanda have made one remarkable discovery after another in what has been an exceptional …
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Knowing the young woman’s story from the enigmatic mummy
Tһe mᴜmmу dᴜЬЬed tһe Yoᴜпɡeг Lаdу wаѕ foᴜпd wіtһ two otһeг mᴜmmіeѕ іп ѕіde сһаmЬeг Jс of KƲ35. Tһіѕ аɡаіп wаѕ а сасһe of ɩooted New Kіпɡdom mᴜmmіeѕ рɩасed tһeгe Ьу ргіeѕtѕ fгom tһe Tһігd Iпteгmedіаte Ƥeгіod. Tһe Eɩdeг Lаdу апd tһe mᴜmmу of а уoᴜпɡ Ьoу …
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