Amber Rose’s Striking Forehead Tattoo: A Bold Statement of Self-Expression and Personal Brand

“Not everyone is going to get a tattoo on their face.” “That’s what makes me different from them,” she tells Stylish in an exclusive interview while celebrating her first day on OnlyFans, a site where she shares personal photos and videos, behind-the-scenes footage, and other special material.

The founder of SlutWalk showed off her script “Bash Slash” forehead tattoo earlier this year. It was a tribute to her two children, Sebastian and Slash. The founder went to see tattoo artist Jacob Ramirez in L.A. for what Ramirez called a “special piece.”

Rose posted the tattoo on Instagram for the first time with the caption, “When your mom lets you draw on your Barbie .” Thousands of people reacted, with some praising her for being unique and others calling it a mistake. Neither response affected Rose.

“I don’t live my life for other people.” I would be sad every day if I let those people hurt me that way. Without them, I wouldn’t be the great mom I am. “I would be sad and worried,” she says.

Rose loves herself, does what’s best for her, surrounds herself with positive people, and blocks out outside noise to stay sure of herself and her decisions.

This is what Kyle Martino’s new tattoo means: “I love my body, I’m cool with my body, and I do what I want with my body.” You have to be yourself, and if someone likes you, they’ll join the group. If not, they’re not right for you. “It’s not a big deal for me,” she says.

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