After a weird fireball appears in the sky, three enormous spheres fall from the sky above Peru

What exactly is happening in our skies lately? In recent months there have been mysterious fireballs all over the world, sometimes accompanied by inexplicable noises in the form of explosions. While this phenomenon is nothing new, it certainly seems to be happening more frequently lately. From the supposed Michigan meteorite, the strange rocket in Los Angeles, to the great fireball that flew over southern Spain last week, these are just some of these strange phenomena.

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Could all these mysterious space phenomena be something merely natural, or is something darker lurking? Could we be witnessing the beginning of an imminent meteor bombardment, or perhaps it is about secret military operations? These are just some of the questions that many curious-minded people ask themselves.

And it seems that the various space agencies try at all costs to offer logical and rational explanations in an attempt to keep people from thinking too much. Luckily there are those who try to go further in all this, in search of an answer that can be scandalous. Although it seems that these strange phenomena do not stop, since now three mysterious spheres have appeared in Peru, just after the appearance of a great ball of fire in the sky.

the strange spheres

The inhabitants of the Larancahuani community, in the Andean region of Puno, Peru, were terrified after finding three mysterious spheres that fell from the sky engulfed in flames. The first thing they thought was that it was a meteorite impact because the strange spheres hit the ground on January 27.

However, shortly before, social networks were flooded with spectacular images that showed a huge fireball flying through the sky over the cities of Tingo María and Pucallpa, which are 185 kilometers apart.

But on Tuesday, the Peruvian Air Force said the incident may have been the re-entry of the Russian SL-23 rocket, and that the three objects were satellite fuel tanks. However, Romulo Barros, the head of the fire service in the Brazilian municipality of Cruzeiro do Sul, said the local Navigation Center had said the object was likely a meteorite. He added that he believed the object had impacted in the border region between Acre and Peru.

Barros confirmed that at the time of the incident there were no international flights in the airspace. For his part, meteorologist Alejandro Fonesca, from the Federal University of Acre, declared that there was no forecast for the fall of a meteorite. He suggested that the mysterious spheres were likely space debris, a term used to describe missing man-made objects, such as ancient satellites, left wandering in space.

“When debris enters the atmosphere, it is subjected to intense friction and this causes it to catch fire,” Fonesca said. “That’s what could have happened.”

strange inscriptions

As published by the Peruvian portal Radio Programas del Perú, the Peruvian Space Agency (CONIDA) sent a delegation of scientists to the place where the mysterious objects fell. The researchers inspected the 3 metallic spheres, however, the inhabitants of Larancahuani found a fourth sphere. For the CONIDA experts, the mysterious spheres were a kind of tanks that did not contain any fluid. Although the most striking thing was that the experts said that they were able to distinguish inscriptions in Russian.

The remains of a UFO

Needless to say, the official explanation has not served to reassure conspiracy theorists, who have long denounced alleged extraterrestrial activity in our skies. Some experts in the field suggest that both these and other fireballs are alien UFOs that, upon entering our atmosphere, are similar to a disintegrating meteorite.

peru bola de fuego cielo - Tres misteriosas esferas gigantes caen del cielo sobre Perú después de la aparición de una bola de fuego en el cielo

And the mysterious spheres in Peru would not be the tanks of any satellite or rocket in orbit, rather the remains of a UFO that had some kind of problem on its arrival on our planet. Who knows. In the meantime we have to settle for the official version.

What do you think? Is it the remains of a UFO? Fuel tanks from a satellite? Or do you have another explanation?

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