This is the extraordinary moment a diver meets a massive bull shark off the coast of Jupiter, Florida. The man even managed to take a series of images of the terrifying monster and post them on the internet.

When the big shark was discovered, John Moore, a photographer and marine life lover, was free-diving. Despite the fact that the 55-year-old diver had several shark encounters, this one was by far the largest. The pregnant female shark was seeking for food near the surface with other bull sharks.

The photographer described her as “an extraordinarily huge female.” “She hadn’t skipped a meal, thus she was most likely pregnant.” Throughout our dive, she was a very dominating shark, confidently approaching me.”
Moore later posted the fantastic photographs to his Instagram account, where he frequently posts photos of sharks he sees while diving!

“Up close and personal study of a huge female Bull shark’s very remarkable serrated teeth,” he wrote. “A fish had caught a portion of bait and dashed toward me for safety, before becoming afraid and dropping the chunk. This set me up for a photo that my 20mm lens couldn’t handle.”

Even though Moore has a lot of shark experience, this wasn’t the most pleasant encounter for him because bull sharks aren’t the nicest sharks to meet. In fact, along with great white sharks and tiger sharks, this is the most hazardous shark species. These colossi may reach heights of up to 11 feet and weigh up to 1,500 pounds.