Enjoy the story of a college dog: awarding a diploma to a working dog who helped its owner in college

Service dogs can be an invaluable source of companionship for individuals who require medical or emotional assistance. Not only are they a great support system, but they also make loyal and loving pets who will always be by your side during times of need.

One such service dog, who stayed by his human’s side throughout grad school, was recently honored by the university for his unwavering dedication and loyalty. Brittany Hawley, from Wilson, North Carolina, who suffers from complex regional pain syndrome, was the perfect recipient for a service dog.


She received her furry companion through the paws4prisons program and immediately knew that Griffin was the one for her. Despite other dogs being frightened of her wheelchair, Griffin jumped right into her lap and showered her with love and affection.

Brittany was at the threshold of a thrilling new chapter in her life – enrolling at Clarkson University to pursue her master’s degree in occupational therapy – when Griffin entered her world. In no time, this four-legged friend earned his value by accompanying her to all of her classes and assisting her in various ways such as opening doors and fetching supplies. Furthermore, during times of anxiety and depression, he acted as a source of solace and support. Brittany shared with CBS News that with Griffin by her side, she felt empowered, outgoing, and more sociable, ultimately leading to an increased sense of independence.

As graduation day approached, Brittany and Griffin were still going strong at Clarkson University. Brittany was excited to finish her studies, but she knew that she couldn’t have made it this far without her trusty service dog by her side. She had moved to New York with Griffin, started school with him, and now they were set to graduate together.

However, Brittany had an extra special request for her furry friend – she wanted him to receive his own degree. Brittany had been pushing for this from the very beginning, and she wasn’t going to let anything stop her from achieving this goal. It was important to her that Griffin received recognition for all of the hard work he had put in alongside her. After all, he had been there through thick and thin, helping her navigate her way through college life. As the big day approached, Brittany felt a wave of excitement wash over her. She couldn’t wait to walk across the stage with Griffin by her side, both of them proudly sporting their diplomas.

It was an accomplishment that they had both worked hard for, and one that they would cherish for years to come. In the end, Brittany’s dream became a reality. She walked across the stage with her head held high, her loyal companion by her side, both of them graduates of Clarkson University. It was a moment that they would never forget – a moment that proved anything is possible when you have a little bit of determination, love and support.

In an incredible turn of events, the university actually granted Griffin his very own honorary degree for his remarkable contributions towards student success. This decision came after the Board of Trustees acknowledged his unwavering commitment and endless efforts towards Brittany’s academic journey. Together, they pursued a graduate degree in Occupational Therapy, attending all classes and appointments as a united team. This made Griffin an integral part of the Clarkson Golden Knights community, earning him a well-deserved recognition from the university.

Upon completing her studies, Brittany persisted in her aspiration of becoming an occupational therapist, with the intention of serving veterans and military personnel. She also plans on having her faithful service dog accompany her at work every day. As Brittany puts it, “He’ll be my constant companion in all my future endeavors.”

This service dog has truly earned a well-deserved honor. It’s amazing to see how much of a difference these loyal animals can make in people’s lives. Let’s spread the word and share this inspiring story!

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