When underwater alien ships clash with the US and Russian navies
Although books have been written about the United States Air Force’s war with UFOs, little’s been written about the ongoing skirmishes and encounters between otherworldly craft known as USOs (unidentified submerged objects) and the navies of the world—particularly …
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The truck driver was kidnapped by three blonde Nordic aliens in Argentina in 1973
The alien abduction case of Argentine truck driver Dionisio Llanca has left a remarkable impression in UFO history. Almost 50 years ago, he experienced a life-changing event that involved a flying saucer and three Nordic-looking aliens who talked in a …
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Sumer is credited as the birthplace of written language, mathematics and civilization
The Sumerian civilization (known also as Sumer) was one of the earliest civilizations in the world. This ancient civilization emerged in the region of southern Mesopotamia (modern day southern Iraq), between the Tigris and Euphrates River. The Sumerian …
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UFO researcher’s revelation about ancient spacecraft found on the moon
They claim to have found an ancient alien ship on the moon On November 27, a photograph of the moon appeared on the NASA website, and in it appears an alleged alien spacecraft, according to researchers. The source of the photo is from NASA and here is …
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Chasing Down The Truth About Extraterrestrial Visits On Earth
Home Mysterious Unveiling Worldwide UFO Sightings and Unearthing Their Enigmatic Secrets.xt Dr. Edgar Mitchell, a former astronaut with six space missions under his belt, accused NASA of concealing numerous photos over the course of the past 60 years. …
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“Lady of Ampato”: An Inhumane Death Performed as a Sacrifice to the Inca Gods
Peru – The discovery of a remarkably well-preserved mummy of a young Inca girl a top the Ampato volcano in 1995 captured the world’s attention and shed light on the religious practice of human sacrifice in pre-Columbian South America. Dubbed the “Ice …
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Exploring Potential Goals of Earth Based UFOs
It is believed that UFOs and the phenomenon of abduction are necessarily linked: UFOs are exotic vehicles used by abductors to carry out their tasks. But where do these UFOs come from? Where did we get that they are certainly from distant planets or alien …
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US Army Veteran and Mysterious 2014 UFO Meet in Egypt
For three U.S. Army veteraпs, it is “iroпic” that they are shariпg their accoυпt of a UFO sightiпg from 2014 oп the same day as the U.S. Coпgress holds heariпgs oп the sυbject with the Peпtagoп iп the iпterest of “opeппess” despite the military haviпg …
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